Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Are you kidding me??

Ok...I know she's mine, but...this kid is cute!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

jeggings and tinkerbell...together

Miss Mavis had an amazing birthday! New school clothes thanks to her Mamy and more toys than a little girl needs-complete with Tinkerbell dress up gear! here's her latest photo shoot in her jeggings...and Tinkerbell...together!

chatty kathy...

here's camille, in mid-sentence. she is such a talker!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Monday, August 16, 2010

Lady Bug Birthday!!! Mavis turns 3!!!

Yesterday we celebrated the sweetest little lady bug in the world! Miss Mavis turned three!!! Friends and family joined us to have a birthday party! What was supposed to be a pool party, began at the house due to weather. We shared some LARGE lady bug cup cakes, lots of munchies, went on a serious bug hunt-complete with bug catchers, and opened lots of fun bday presents. This was a girly day for sure! I didn't know so much princess stuff existed! Mamy, Gran and Grandaddy were all able to make it for the big day! Mavis was decked out in her adorable birthday outfit, thanks to her precious Gran! and Mamy provided most of the food! Thanks to everyone who made this little lady bug feel special on her big day! Mavis, we love you sweet girl! You are growing up to be such a beautiful, fun little girl! We love watching you grow and having you in our lives!

Enjoying some pre-party lunch with the g-parents! looking so cute in her birthday suit!

a Bday tradition-number cookies!!! thanks gran!

the lady bug spread!

and the giant lady bug cupcakes! we still have tons!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Family Beach Vacation 2010

We headed to Ponce Inlet, FL for our family vacation this year. To say we had a great time is an understatement. We had a blast! We began our trip with a little stop in Tifton for Grandaddy's birthday! The girls got to spend some time with two of their favorite people and Camille was able to meet some family for the first time!

Then, on to Florida! We couldn't contain ourselves! As soon as bags were dropped off in the condo, we headed out to see the beach! Immediately, it was clear! It was going to be a great week! Mavis had a blast jumping in the waves! and the weather was perfect!

The rest of the week was full of fun. We hit the beach every morning from about 9-2. Mavis could not get enough, but by 2pm, we were all ready for naps! The evenings were spent eating fried seafood and hitting the town. Mavis played putt-putt for the first time, and so did Camille-in the baby bjorn, or course:) By the last night we were pooped and decided on a family movie night in the king-sized bed instead of another round of putt-putt! Just as precious! Thanks to the Arnold family for letting us use their beautiful home! It was such a treat and made so many memories!

Friday, August 6, 2010

massive post coming soon!

Stay tuned everyone! Massive vacation post coming soon-just need about 30 minutes of "me time" to make it happen! check back later:)

Life at 3 months!!

Our precious Camille is 3 months old! I can't believe both my girls are growing up! Camille is the most precious, loving baby. She gives her smiles away all the time, to anyone who will take them! She is scheduled so well (thank you, Babywise!). She starts her day at 8am, after a 12 hour night's sleep (Praise Jesus!), then eats about every 3 hours until 8 at night. She gobbles down 5-6 ounces which helps fill out those kissable chubby cheeks quite well! She doesn't mind her tummy time. She makes it only about 10 minutes, then she's ready for a change of scenery! She rolled over at about 2 1/2 months-while we were on vacation actually! She already loves her Bumbo. It gives this socialite the perfect view of everyone in the room! We love you Camille!


Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Mavis grows up!!

Mavis is almost 3 and I can't believe it! Our little lady...growing up before our eyes! Mavis is such a joy! and a source of constant laughter in our home! She has an amazing sense of humor, always saying funny things to make us laugh! She's creative, making up songs and silly lyrics when she's not talking our ears off! She's so bright! She amazes us with how much she retains and learns daily. She knows all her letters, shapes and colors, counts to 20, has a huge vocabulary and uses the words correctly:) She even has grasped some addition when we practice our numbers. I am blown away by her. I can't wait for her to start pre-school and learn even more. She is starting this semester at our church. She is also starting a ballet class!! I can't wait to see that cute little bum in a tutu!! ha! Mavis, my love, we can't express how much we cherish you. You make our lives so full and make us better parents. We love your sweet, nurturing heart. We love how you help us care for your baby sister. We love your sweet smile and bright eyes! You will always be our baby girl!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Beach Vacation 2010

We have just been given the most amazing gift. A sweet family from our church allowed us to use their beach house for the week! We've just returned from the most wonderful week spent in the sun, well, shade for little Camille-enjoying each other and making great memories. Mavis had an absolute blast at the beach, playing in the water, building sand castles, riding the boogie board and tons more. Camille and I spent some relaxing and precious time talking under the umbrella between naps! She loved snoozing with the sound of the ocean in the background. We played putt-putt, ate lots of fried seafood, and had some sweet family movie nights in the big king-sized bed. We are so thankful for our sweet girls and the opportunity to enjoy each other for a week! After a busy summer, it was much needed! There are some hilarious and adorable pics to come, but for now, here's Mave on night #1 of vacay. We got to town about 6pm and after unloading, headed to the beach for a little fun before bed. Just the beginning of her love affair with the coast-I knew she was born to live by the sea! My wilmington roots must run deep!