Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day!

Today my sweet fam celebrated me for Mother's day! It started with the best gift of all...both girls slept til 9:15am!!! Glory! Then coffee in bed with my girls. They each gave me a card, Mavis drew sweet pictures of us all together. Jake gave me a massage gift card...PTL! Nothing I love more than a massage! Then we headed to West Egg for Mother's Day Brunch. I'm so thankful for the sweet gift of family. I love being Mommy to these beauties!

Cinco de Mayo Cake!!

We celebrated Camille with just our family on Thursday, her actual birthday. We thought it might be a great opportunity to practice digging into her cake. Well, this girl didn't have any trouble gobbling it down. Mavis never liked (still doesn't like) to get dirty. Camille loves it! Check out how appalled Mavis was at the messiness of it all! ha!

Happy Birthday Camille!!

Baby Camille is ONE YEAR OLD! I can't believe my baby girl is getting so big! Camille is such a joy to us! She is as busy as a bee, never stopping for anyone. She loves to eat, which helps keep up her adorable chunky figure:) She just moved up to her big girl seat. She wasn't really too big for the other one. It was just her thighs grew out of it! haha! She's saying more these days and I feel like a word explosion is just around the corner. She's walking with one finger, but isn't quite ready to fully let go yet. I think when she does she will just start running instead of walking!! We love you so much baby girl! We love your precious smile, twinkly eyes, and kissable chubby cheeks! We love watching you grow!

Here are some recent Camille pics...stay tuned for birthday party pictures from next weekend!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Hello everyone! Sorry for lack of blogging! January and February have found our family busy as usual. The girls are growing like weeds!
Mavis is 3 1/2 now going on 16! She is in constant dress-up mode, complete with curled hair and lipstick...where do you think she gets it from??? certainly, not her hairdresser mommy!! :) She still loves ballet and wants Jake to play "ballet teacher" at home all the time. We have little blue pieces of electrical tape on the floor all over the house - that's what her "real" ballet teacher uses in class as her "spot." Daddy is a pretty good ballerina, I must say!
Camille is so fun! She is crawling as fast as lightning! If you turn around she will be gone in a flash! She is 9 months old now and such a joy to have! She smiles all the time, loves to be tickled, eats ONLY big people food (she did not have time for baby food, she is too ready to grow up!) Her favorite foods are green beans, carrots, peas, and lima beans!! that's right! no fruit for this girl! she loves her veggies! I'll keep givin' them to her as long as I can! Here are some recent pics of the family, thanks to our sweet friend Andy. check him out at